Other people may have better ideas but here is what I would do.
I would create a temporary variable for each id to hold the changes and then
copy them over all at once.
egen id= group(code)
gen temporary_id = .
replace temporary_id=3 if id==1;
replace temporary_id=5 if id==2;
replace temporary_id=8 if id==3;
id = temporary_id
drop temporary_id
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Roy,Suryadipta
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 5:59 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Data management
I have a panel data of (say) 100 countries for 10 years. I
am trying to attach identification numbers for these
countries based on another dataset for merging purposes
later on. So, I started with
a. egen id= group(code), where "code" is the code numbers
of these countries, e.g. ABW, AFG etc.
b. Then I am trying to replace these id-s with
replace id=3 if id==1;
replace id=5 if id==2;
replace id=8 if id==3;
But the 3rd line of the command is replacing the first set
of id-s also. I would greatly appreciate if someone can
suggest how to take care of this.
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