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Re: Re: st: Count variable

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: Re: st: Count variable
Date   Wed, 21 Mar 2007 18:51:23 +0000

Yes and no.

Your version of the code runs (correcting a mistake
pointed out separately):

gen count = 0
by id office : replace count =
     cond(_n == 1, 1, 1 + count[_n-1]) if win

That would be wrong if the data are not sorted
-id office electionyear-.

In giving code solutions, it is best not
to make assumptions about -sort- order.
Specifying the -sort- order within code
will do no harm if data are sorted as they
should be, but the converse isn't true.

There are two solutions which I think
are acceptable (modulo use of variations
on -bysort-):

bysort id office (electionyear) : gen count = 0
by id office : replace count =
     cond(_n == 1, 1, 1 + count[_n-1]) if win

gen count = 0
bysort id office (electionyear) : replace count =
     cond(_n == 1, 1, 1 + count[_n-1]) if win

You might prefer (2) on the grounds that -count-
is initialised as 0, regardless of anything else.
I have no objection to that at all -- in fact
it is probably clearer -- but if so, the -sort-
order should be spelled out in the following line.

[email protected]

Jeph Herrin

um, I think that first line can be:

  gen count = 0

n j cox (corrected)

> Try
> bysort id office (electionyear) : gen count = 0
> by id office : replace count =
>     cond(_n == 1, 1, 1 + count[_n-1]) if win

> Felipe Botero, modulo a mass of MIME/HTML, asked
> I have data on congressional careers and need to create a variable that
> counts the number of *consecutive* terms served in the same office.
> I used the following code but it didn't do the trick:
> sort id office electionyear
> by id office: gen count = cond(win==0,0,sum(win))
> list id office win count
>   +---------------------------------+
>   |  id   office    win       count |
>   |---------------------------------|
>   | 153          1     0          0 |
>   | 153          1     1          1 |
>   | 153          1     0          0 |
>   | 153          1     1          2 |  <-- should start again with 1
>   | 153          1     1          3 |
>   | 153          1     1          4 |
>   +---------------------------------+
> The problem is that I need the counter to start back at 1 after each
> occurrence of win==0.

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