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st: Update to -tabout-

From   Ian Watson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Update to -tabout-
Date   Wed, 21 Mar 2007 12:18:36 +1100

Thanks to Kit Baum an update to -tabout- is now available from the SSC
archives. Type:

ssc desc tabout

inside Stata for details.

-tabout - is a program for producing publication quality tables in
Stata. This is Version 2.0.2 of the program and requires Stata 9.2.

For those new to -tabout- there is a brief description of -tabout- below
and numerous examples can be viewed in the tabout tutorial at: (note that the
tutorial is also available from ssc as part of the -tabout- package).

New features:

* figout.ado now included. This is a small ancillary program for
automating the production of graphs based on -tabout- tables. There is a
new section in the -tabout- tutorial explaining its use.

* noffset option included to control positioning of n counts when using
the n option

* dots now show progress when using survey commands

In addition a number of bug fixes have been applied. These mainly
concerned the n option and oneway layout. Finally, the use of replace
and append has reverted to standard Stata convention.

All of the new features and changes are summarised in the tutorial (see
"Section 6 Updates" for a quick overview).


-tabout- reproduces everything -tabulate- does, most of what -tabstat-
does, and some of what -table- does. The output can be: tab-delimited,
csv, html and tex. -tabout- is more than just a program to export table
results. It's a complete table-building package. It includes:

* survey output: standard errors and confidence intervals
* numerous layout options: alternating columns, alternating rows, column
blocks and row blocks
* additional table statistics (chi2, gamma, Cramer's V, Kendall's tau,
* additional flexibility in the placement of sample counts (in rows, or
columns or in labels)
* easy formatting of cells (single numbers for decimal points) and new
formats (percentage and currency symbols in cells)
* for LaTeX users, rotation of value labels in headings and lines that
span set columns


Dr Ian Watson
Freelance researcher and
Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Macquarie University
Sydney  Australia

email: [email protected]

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