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st: Count variable

From   Felipe Botero <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Count variable
Date   Mon, 19 Mar 2007 10:56:55 -0500

I have data on congressional careers and need to create a variable that counts the number of *consecutive* terms served in the same office.


I used the following code but it didn't do the trick:


sort id office electionyear

by id office: gen count = cond(win==0,0,sum(win))

list id office win count...


� +---------------------------------+

� |� id�� office��� win������ count |

� |---------------------------------|

� | 153��������� 1���� 0��������� 0 |

� | 153��������� 1���� 1 ���������1 |

� | 153��������� 1���� 0��������� 0 |

� | 153��������� 1���� 1��������� 2 |� <-- should start again with 1

� | 153��������� 1���� 1��������� 3 |

� | 153��������� 1���� 1��������� 4 |

� +---------------------------------+


The problem is that I need the counter to start back at 1 after each occurrence of win==0.


Any ideas on how to do this?







Felipe Botero
Profesor Asistente
Departamento de Ciencia Pol�tica

Universidad de los Andes

Bogot�, Colombia
Tel: +57(1) 339 4949 x 2615
[email protected]


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