>Carl Nelson <[email protected]> reports,
>> The following stata syntax produced the error that b was not found at the
>> gen command, even though it was listed by mat l
>> mata
>> fh = fopen("demcoeff.mat", "r")
>> X = fgetmatrix(fh)
>> fclose(fh)
>> st_matrix("b", X)
>> end
>> mat l b
>> egen lnp1m = median(lnp1)
>> egen lnp2m = median(lnp2)
>> egen lnp3m = median(lnp3)
>> egen lnp4m = median(lnp4)
>> egen lnp5m = median(lnp5)
>> egen z1m = median(z1)
>> egen z2m = median(z2)
>> egen lnexpm = median(lnexp)
>> gen ap = $A_NOT + b[1,1]*lnp1m + b[1,2]*lnp2m + b[1,3]*lnp3m + b[1,4]*lnp4m + (1-b[1,1]-b[1,2]-b[1,3]-b[1,4])*lnp5m
>I suspect that the error message Carl got was not "b not found" but "+b not
>found". If I'm right, that happened because global macro A_NOT was
>note defined and thus the last line appeared to Stata as
>> gen ap = + b[1,1]*lnp1m + b[1,2]*lnp2m + b[1,3]*lnp3m + b[1,4]*lnp4m + (1-b[1,1]-b[1,2]-b[1,3]-b[1,4])*lnp5m
>Am I right?
Yes. Thank you for the quick response. And sorry for my careless error.
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