I am not (yet) a prof., just a PhD student.
I am also not an expert on conditional logit, so maybe someone else on the list can answer that.
Even if I were an expert, this post:
has eaten up my daily ``time spent on statalist quota'', and I should now continue writing my dissertation...
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
--- somsupa Nopprach
> Thank you Prof. Maarten Buis very much for your
> suggestion.
> I just realized that some of my lines were be
> cut.Sorry for my mistake.
> For example, I have data like this.
> Parent firms Capital Affiliate Country Year
> AAA 233 aa Thailand 1997
> AAA 100 ab Thailand 1996
> AAA 200 ac Malaysia 2000
> BBB 50 ba Philippines 1995
> CCC 80 ca Indonesia 1996
> and so on.
> I would like to analyze the location choice
> determinants of parent firms' repeated investment
> decision.
> I thought that I should run conditional logit
> and use option-group(Parent firms. By the way,I do
> not sure that this method is correct or not.
> In addtion, if I would like to not include data that
> does not have repeated investment like Parent firm
> "BBB". How I can limit sample range in conditional
> logit model?
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