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RE: st: programming non-linear squares in Stata

From   "Maarten Buis" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: programming non-linear squares in Stata
Date   Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:19:12 +0100

--- Maritza <[email protected]> wrote:

> Thank you, I'll try glm, in fact my dependent variable is a
> proportion, I need to keep the zeros. I read in FAQ that is better to
> replace zeros for 0.0001 , but that option doesn't work for me.

--- Maarten buis replied:
> With -glm- you can keep the zeros. With -betafit- you can't.

This point is discussed in (Papke and Wooldridge 1996). However, if you
believe that replacing zeros with a small positive proportion doesn't 
work for you, than that suggest to me that choosing a zero is something
qualitatively different for a respondent than choosing some small 
positive proportion. As result you should model two processes: 1) whether
or not to choose zero, and 2) if you don't choose zero, what proportion 
to choose. As far as I know there is no ready-made Stata program out
there that does that. 

Such a model could be a ``Zero Inflated Logit'', by analogy of the 
``Zero Inflated Poisson''. Below you find an example of a zero inflated 
logit program. This is just something I quickly wrote, so no guarantees. 
See -help zip-, the entry for zip in the manual and (long and freese 2006) 
for more on the zip. You should be able to work out the analogy and the 
interpretation of this -zilogit- from that.  

Hope this helps,

*----------- begin example ---------------
set more off
input      prop str1 site variety
 0.0005    A       1
 0.0000    A       2
 0.0000    A       3
 0.0010    A       4
 0.0025    A       5
 0.0005    A       6
 0.0050    A       7
 0.0130    A       8
 0.0150    A       9
 0.0150    A       10
 0.0000    B       1
 0.0005    B       2
 0.0005    B       3
 0.0030    B       4
 0.0075    B       5
 0.0030    B       6
 0.0300    B       7
 0.0750    B       8
 0.0100    B       9
 0.1270    B       10
 0.0125    C       1
 0.0125    C       2
 0.0250    C       3
 0.1660    C       4
 0.0250    C       5
 0.0250    C       6
 0.0000    C       7
 0.2000    C       8
 0.3750    C       9
 0.2625    C       10
 0.0250    D       1
 0.0050    D       2
 0.0001    D       3
 0.0300    D       4
 0.0250    D       5
 0.0001    D       6
 0.2500    D       7
 0.5500    D       8
 0.0500    D       9
 0.4000    D       10
 0.0550    E       1
 0.0100    E       2
 0.0600    E       3
 0.0110    E       4
 0.0250    E       5
 0.0800    E       6
 0.1650    E       7
 0.2950    E       8
 0.2000    E       9
 0.4350    E       10
 0.0100    F       1
 0.0500    F       2
 0.0500    F       3
 0.0500    F       4
 0.0500    F       5
 0.0500    F       6
 0.1000    F       7
 0.0500    F       8
 0.5000    F       9
 0.7500    F       10
 0.0500    G       1
 0.0010    G       2
 0.0500    G       3
 0.0500    G       4
 0.5000    G       5
 0.1000    G       6
 0.5000    G       7
 0.2500    G       8
 0.5000    G       9
 0.7500    G       10
 0.0500    H       1
 0.1000    H       2
 0.0500    H       3
 0.0500    H       4
 0.2500    H       5
 0.7500    H       6
 0.5000    H       7
 0.7500    H       8
 0.7500    H       9
 0.7500    H       10
 0.1750    I       1
 0.2500    I       2
 0.4250    I       3
 0.5000    I       4
 0.3750    I       5
 0.9500    I       6
 0.6250    I       7
 0.9500    I       8
 0.9500    I       9
 0.9500    I       10

encode site, gen(sitenum)

program define zilogit_lf
	*! MLB 0.0.1 16 Mar 2006
	version 8.2
	args lnf xb zg
	tempvar mu muprime

	quietly gen double `mu' = invlogit(`xb')
	quietly gen double `muprime' = invlogit(-`xb')

	quietly replace `lnf' =  ln(invlogit(-`zg')) +    ///
	                         $ML_y1*ln(`mu') +        ///
	                         (1-$ML_y1)*ln(`muprime') ///
                               if ($ML_y1 > 0)
	quietly replace `lnf' =  ln(invlogit(`zg') +      ///
		                   invlogit(-`zg') *        ///
                               ln(`muprime'))           ///
                               if ($ML_y1 == 0) 
xi i.variety
ml model lf zilogit_lf (xb:prop = _I*) (zg:_Iv*), robust
ml check
ml search
ml maximize

*--------------- end example ----------------------
(For more on how to use examples I sent to the Statalist, see )

Papke, Leslie E. and Jeffrey M. Wooldridge. 1996. ``Econometric Methods 
for Fractional Response Variables with an Application to 401(k) Plan 
Participation Rates.'' Journal of Applied Econometrics 11(6):619-632.

J. Scott Long and Jeremy Freese. 2006. ``Regression Models for 
Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata.'' 2nd Edition. Stata Press.

Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology 
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 
Boelelaan 1081 
1081 HV Amsterdam 
The Netherlands

visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434 

+31 20 5986715

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