I?ve used the Levene Test to check up homogeneity of variance by the
command .robvar a_kollegen, by( zugeh )
Now I can?t interpret the results given by stata. How can I figure out
if the variances within a group differ significantly.
robvar a_kollegen, by( zugeh )
Summary of a_kollegen
zugeh Mean Std. Dev. Freq.
1 4.3243243 .66431772 74
2 4.202381 .72444016 84
Total 4.2594937 .69740538 158
W0 = .11174352 df(1, 156) Pr > F = .73861681
W50 = .08352366 df(1, 156) Pr > F = .77296155
W10 = .07764111 df(1, 156) Pr > F = .78088894
It would be very kind if somebody could give me some advice.
Thanks a lot
Kind regards
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