As already mentioned, the files are in different coordinate systems.
However you can use the US Census state files
( - they will have the same
coordinate system as the metropolitan areas.
The code below will produce the following graph:
cd "C:\Documents and Settings\Scott_2\Desktop\foo"
shp2dta using cb99_03b.shp, database(usdatabase2) ///
coordinates(uscoordinates2) genid(id) replace
use usdatabase2
gen x = uniform()
rename CBSA cbsa
keep cbsa id x
sort cbsa
save, replace
insheet using "cb99_03ba.dat",clear
egen index2 = fill(1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 )
egen index = seq(), block(5)
reshape wide v1, i(index) j(index2)
drop v11
rename v12 cbsa
rename v13 cbsa_name
rename v14 type
rename v15 geocode
gen state = substr(cbsa_name,-2, 2)
gen type2 = "micro" if type == "2"
replace type2 = "metro" if type =="1"
drop if cbsa==" "
duplicates drop cbsa cbsa_name type, force
sort cbsa
save "cbsa.dta", replace
merge cbsa using usdatabase2.dta
tab _m
drop index _m
sort id
mark conterminous if state != "HI" & state != "AK" & state != "PR"
save, replace
//Download from
shp2dta using st99_d00.shp, database(usstate_names) coordinates(usstates)
genid(_ID) replace
use usstates,clear
gen order = _n
merge _ID using usstate_names
drop _m
sort order
sort _ID
save, replace
use cbsa
spmap x if conterminous & type2 == "metro" using "uscoordinates2" , ///
id(id) ndfc(white) fc(Blues) ocolor(gs12 ..) ///
polygon(select(drop if STATE =="02" | STATE =="15" | STATE =="72") ///
data("usstates.dta" ) )
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Julie Susan Darnell
> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 6:41 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: adding US state outlines using SPMAP
> I attempted to execute the syntax kindly offered by Maurizio
> Pisati, but the graph that resulted showed ONLY the outlines
> of the states but with the correct legend (showing the custom
> breaks 0 1 2 3 4 32 and selected color palette). It did not
> display within each state outline the shaded cbsa/metro
> areas.
> use uscoordinates2
> sort _ID
> save uscoordinates2, replace
> use usdatabase3
> delimit;
> spmap numberoffreeclinics if conterminous & type2=="metro"
> using "uscoordinates2",
> id(id) ndfc(white) fc(Blues) ocolor(gs12 ..) clmethod(custom)
> clbreaks (0 1 2 3 4 32)
> polygon(data(us-stateoutline.dta));
> Note: uscoordinates2 is the base map with the x and y
> coordinates for the cbsa metropolitan areas and us-
> stateoutline is the base map with x and y coordinates for the
> 48 contiguous states. usdatabase3 contains the id,
> numberoffreeclinics, type2, and conterminous variables.
> Also (I'm not sure if this is relevant), the graphs that are
> produced have very different shapes. The map of cbsa/metro
> areas is stretched out and takes up the entire graph area and
> the map of the US states is small and is positioned in the
> upper lefthand corner. The US state map does not include
> Alaska or Hawaii.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Julie Darnell
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