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st: re: Combining consecutive records if matching conditions

From   "Biernbaum, Lee" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: re: Combining consecutive records if matching conditions
Date   Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:14:01 -0400


Thanks for your help. I think this will definitely get me on the right
track. One followup though:

How do I ensure that the segments are, in fact, end-to-end? That is, it
is not difficult to foresee a situation where

Segment 1
Beg = 1.00 end = 1.07

Segment 2
Beg = 1.07 end = 1.25

Segment 9
Beg = 2.97 end = 3.14

And they match on all the other key variables (surface width, road id,
etc). In this situation, Segments 3-8 may or may not exist in the
database, but, even if they do, they do not match on the

In this case, Segments 1 and 2 should be combined but segment 3 left on
its own.


PS It was not finding my post in my digest or archives that lead me to
the FAQ posting about Outlook's insidious Rich Text.

PPS In my year in the UK, I found it to be a reluctant metric user, at
best (well, unless the rest of Europe is selling milk in 1.136 L bottles


Lee Biernbaum
Economic and Industry Analysis Division
US DOT, Volpe Center

(617) 494-2834
[email protected]

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