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R�p. : Re: st: -estout- and a column with hypotheses' number

From   "Herve STOLOWY" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   R�p. : Re: st: -estout- and a column with hypotheses' number
Date   Sun, 11 Mar 2007 00:07:04 +0100

Dear Ben:

I thank you for your reply. I know that what I am asking is really "fine tuning".

I had your idea originally. But I tried to create a separate column for three reasons:

- a separate column is more readable
- to add the hypothesis number in the label variable may create a problem with the limit of 32 characters for certain variables
- some variables are used in different tables (including descriptive statistics). As the hyp. number is only required in the regression output, I should change the label at the time of the regression.

But once again, my issue is very minor. So, I can do what you suggest and solve the labels' problems.

Best regards


HEC Paris
D�partement Comptabilit� Contr�le de gestion / Dept of Accounting and Management Control
1, rue de la Liberation
78351 - Jouy-en-Josas
Tel: +33 1 39 67 94 42 - Fax: +33 1 39 67 70 86
mail: stolowy at hec dot fr
>>> [email protected] 10/03/07 21:54 >>>
Herve, I don't see an easy solution here. Why not add "H1" etc. to the
variable labels? For example:

              signs       b
blah (H1)       +         #
blah (H2)       -         #


On 3/10/07, Herve STOLOWY <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalisters:
> Some time ago, Ben Jann, the author of -estout- (downloadable from ssc-) help me to create a column with predicted signs in a regression output. It works perfectly. I display below my command lines.
> xi: tobit competence11 age1 conseil2 concent3_0 instit concent3_0_instit  size auditor_d i.for_list2 leverage leverage2  roa_adj growth_op2   i.bis_gics , ul
> tempname b
> matrix `b' = e(b)
> matrix `b'[1,1] = +999   //pos. sign for age
> matrix `b'[1,2] = -999   //neg. sign for board type
> matrix `b'[1,3] = 998   //? sign for ownership concentration
> matrix `b'[1,4] = +999   //pos. sign for institutional ownership
> matrix `b'[1,5] =  -999   //neg. for ownership concentration * institutional ownership
> matrix `b'[1,6] = +999   //pos. sign for size
> matrix `b'[1,7] = +999   //pos. sign for for auditor type
> matrix `b'[1,8] = +999   //pos. sign for foreign listing
> matrix `b'[1,9] = +999   //pos. sign for foreign listing
> matrix `b'[1,10] = 998   //? for leverage
> matrix `b'[1,11] = 998   //? for leverage2
> matrix `b'[1,12] = 998   //? for roa
> matrix `b'[1,13] = -999   //neg. sign for growth opportunities
> matrix `b'[1,14] = .z   //no sign
> matrix `b'[1,15] = .z   //no sign
> matrix `b'[1,16] = .z   //no sign
> matrix `b'[1,17] = .z   //no sign
> matrix `b'[1,18] = .z   //no sign
> matrix `b'[1,19] = 998    //? for _cons
> eret2 matrix signs = `b'
> local e_scalars: e(scalars) //get the names of the scalars in e()
> foreach e of local e_scalars {
>  eret2 local `e' , replace  //replace the scalars by empty macros
>  //or: eret2 scalar `e' = .z , replace //set the scalars to missing
> }
> estimates store pred
> xi: tobit competence11 age1 conseil2 concent3_0 instit concent3_0_instit  size auditor_d i.for_list2 leverage leverage2  roa_adj growth_op2   i.bis_gics , ul
> label var _Ifor_list2_1 "Foreign listing NYSE"
> label var _Ifor_list2_2 "Foreign listing NASDAQ"
> *label var _Ibis_gics_20 "Industrial"
> label var _Ibis_gics_25 "Consumer discretionary"
> label var _Ibis_gics_30 "Consumer staples"
> label var _Ibis_gics_35 "Health care"
> label var _Ibis_gics_50 "High tech"
> label var _Ibis_gics_55 "Energy/Utilities"
> estimates store tobit1, title(Financial expertise - Basic measure)
> estadd nagelkerke: tobit1
> estout pred tobit1  using table6_tobit, replace substitute(-999.000 - 999.000 + 998.000 ?) cells ("signs(pat (1 0)) b(fmt(%9.3f) label(coef.) pat(0)) p(fmt(%9.3f) pattern(0))") stats (chi2 p  r2_p nagelkerke N, fmt(%9.3f %9.3f  %9.3f %9.3f %9.0f) labels("Chi square" "p(chi2)"  "Pseudo R-square" "Nagelkerke" "Number of observations")) label  drop(sigma:) varlabels(_cons Constant, elist(growth_op2 "`=char(13)'Control variables"))
> I would like to add a column, before the predicted signs, with the following text which corresponds to the hypotheses' number: H1 on line 1, H2 on line 2, ..., H13 on line 13. I don't have hypotheses for the lines between 14 and 19 and the column should remain empty.
> It is possible with estout?
> To be honest, I tried something by duplicating the command lines corresponding to the predicted signs and adapting them to my problem. But it does not work. My programming level is surely too low. And I also realize that adding a text, H1, for example, is not the same as adding a sign (+ or -).
> Best regards
> Herv� Stolowy
> ***********************************************************
> Professeur/Professor
> HEC Paris
> D�partement Comptabilit� Contr�le de gestion / Dept of Accounting and Management Control
> 1, rue de la Liberation
> 78351 - Jouy-en-Josas
> France
> Tel: +33 1 39 67 94 42 - Fax: +33 1 39 67 70 86
> mail: stolowy at hec dot fr
> web:
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