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st: Survival analysis: Finding Cut-Points for indipendent predictors

From   Diego Bellavia <[email protected]>
To   STATAlist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Survival analysis: Finding Cut-Points for indipendent predictors
Date   Thu, 8 Mar 2007 20:00:57 +0000 (GMT)

Dear Statalisters, 

I am going throught the problem to figure out the best cut-points for indipendent predictors in 
Cox proportional Hazards models. I have read the following article

that looks promising. I have a problem though, to replicate the way the authors showed to find out 
cut-points (the paper is really SAS-based): 

1) Given a predictor (i.e. age) how can i plot the log likelihood obtained with stcox age vs actual values of age in my dataset ? 

2) How can I obtain a table where, for each age value, is reported the Lk ? (Contal and O'Quingley's method). 

Thank you in advance, as always 



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