Argument passing is covered in the manuals at [U] 16.6.1.
You don't say what kind of files have .rtdata
extension. If they were really Stata files
like .dta files, then
args filename
use `filename'.rtdata
would be one way to do it. But they don't sound
like .dta files at all. If not, then you
will need to read them in some other way.
[email protected]
Morrison Hodges
> This is a beginner's question, I'm sure, but I have not been
> able to do what
> I want to do.
> I have a lot of files generated by a separate custom program,
> all in the
> form of *.rtdata. The * denotes the mnemonic for the
> patient's name. I want
> to do some data studies on each file, and have started a .do
> file to do
> that. The .do file name is rtanalysis, and a sample patient file is
> smith.rtdata. I would like to type:
> "do rtanalalysis smith"
> and have the do file open the file "smith.rtdata" and do the
> analysis I have
> written.
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