Lucy Shum wrote:
I've got some Kaplan-Meier survival curves the detail several categories
within a graph. I use the following to specify the codes:
Sts graph, by(var) legend(label(1 "coliform") label(2 "xyz") label(3 "yui")
label(4 "wer") etc. up to label(10 "tuy"))
However, out of the 10 codes, there are always 2-3 codes that do not get
labeled despite the command. What could I be neglecting in the command?
I can not reproduce the error; the following works perfectly:
sysuse cancer.dta , clear
expand age
set seed 12345
gen group=ceil(10*uniform())
stset studytime , failure(died==1)
sts graph , by(group) ///
legend(label(1 "abc") label(2 "bcd") label(3 "cde") ///
label(4 "def") label(5 "efg") label(6 "fgh") label(7 "ghi") ///
label(8 "hij") label(9 "ijk") label(10 "jkl"))
I use Intercooled Stata for Windows, ver 9.2, 16 Feb 2007.
Svend Juul
Institut for Folkesundhed, Afdeling for Epidemiologi
(Institute of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology)
Vennelyst Boulevard 6
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
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