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Re: st: sample size calculation for survival data
For sample size and power estimations for survival data analysis you might
try Barthel, Royston and Babiker's "ART" suite of programs. The -artsurv-
program provides more flexibility than -sampsi- for some of the trickier
design features of studies involving survival analysis. See:
SJ-5-1 st0013_1 . Sample size calculation: Update
. . . . . . . . . . .F. M.-S. Barthel, P. Royston & A. Babiker
(help artbin, artbindlg, artmenu, artprep, artsurv, artsurvdlg,
artwhastsnew if installed)
Q1/05 SJ 5(1):123--129
an update to a menu-driven front end for complex sample size
calculation in randomized controlled trials with a survival
or a binary outcome; renamed ART
The help file is good, but access to the original article in SJ 2-2 is
At 06:06 PM 6/03/2007 +0100, you wrote:
Dear all,
Does anybody know how to calculate sample size in the following
situation with Stata?
H0: s1=s2 (survival at 2 years) H1: one side (logrank non paramentric
test for exponential data)
Size ratio =1
S1=77,5%, s2=83,125%
Lost follow-up 10% per year
Accrual time =2 years
Total study time =4 years (2 enrollment+2 follow-up)
I would like to perform this analysis with Stata but the manual doesn't
describe it.
Could you help me please?
Thanks a lot
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor,
Discipline of Public Health
Director, Data Management & Analysis Centre
Associate Dean (IT)
Faculty of Health Sciences
postal address:
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