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st: Marginal effects for panel data neg binomial (xtnbreg)

From   "Corey Phelps" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Marginal effects for panel data neg binomial (xtnbreg)
Date   Mon, 5 Mar 2007 14:35:42 -0800

I am trying to calculate marginal effects using the "mfx compute" command
for a xtnbreg model. Because mfx computes marginal effects from the
post-estimated linear predictions, the default dydx calculation returns the
regresssion betas as marginal effects. However, I am interested in the
marginal effect (exp^BX)Bj, evaluated at the sample means of the covariates.
How do I go about obtaining this? 

Corey Phelps

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