In sociology, the topic has been pioneered by �mile Durkheim in his study on suicide (1897) and developed by Paul Lazarsfeld in the 1950's or 1960's. The standard entry level reference on this topic in social sciences (other than economics) is
Davis, James A. (1985) The logic of causal order. Thousand Oaks CA : Sage. (Quantitative applications in the social sciences).
A more recent and somewhat more complete reference is
Aneshensel, Carol S. (2002) Theory-based data analysis for the social sciences. Pine Forge Press.
A higher level reference, highly praised by Sir Cox himself, would be
Pearl, Judea (2000) Causality, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Hope this helps.
Beno�t Laplante, professeur
Directeur des programmes de d�mographie
Centre Urbanisation, Culture et Soci�t�
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Universit� du Qu�bec
-----Message d'origine-----
De�: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] De la part de Richard Goldstein
Envoy�: 5 mars 2007 09:57
��: statalist
Objet�: st: advice re: "intervening" variable
Hi all:
This is more a stat question that a Stata question.
I have a system of 3 variables where one variable is in between,
in time and physiology, the other two variables:
blood pressure -> diameter of blood vessel -> heart rate
That is, a change in blood pressure "causes" some change in
the diameter of the blood vessel which in turn "causes"
some change in heart rate (actually in "RRI" which is,
basically, the inverse of heart rate).
I have never come across this situation before, but I believe
that several substantive disciplines do have such situations.
Actually, I have found a fair amount of literature in
psychology; a recent overview is MacKinnon, DP, AJ Fairchild,
and MS Fritz (2007), "Mediation Analysis", _Annual Review of
Psychology_, 58: 593-614
I believe that other disciplines might also see such
situations, e.g., economics and epidemiology, but have
been unable to find any literature.
So, is there literature on this in disciplines other than
psychology? If so, any citations, esp. overviews, would
be greatly appreciated (regardless of whether the cite is
to ariticles or books).
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