All user-written Stata commands and all user-written Stata commands
installed on your system are different stories.
What is in your c:\ado is between you and your operating system
(not stated here, but evidently Windows), but Stata can give
you a handle on them.
I can't comment on what you did to modify -getcmds- that "didn't
work", but you could use -fs- from SSC to get a list of *.ado.
Printing the names one at a time arose a few days ago in a
different thread.
fs *.ado
foreach f in `r(files)' {
local f : subinstr local f ".ado" ""
di "`f'"
You could do this while logging. However, this could include
-egen- function files that are not valid names used directly.
[email protected]
Trelle Sven
> I need a list of all Stata commands (standard and user-written
> ado-files). The getcmds-command only shows me the standard commands
> (stored in the stata program folder) but not the user-written
> ado-files
> (stored in C:/ado). I tried to modify the getcmds ado-file
> but it didn't work.
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