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st: RE: Data management

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Data management
Date   Wed, 28 Feb 2007 22:45:52 -0000

Looks like 

bysort octy : egen x1 = total(tradeshare * dist) 

[email protected] 

> I had posted a similar query sometime back and did not get 
> any response- so probably my question was not very clear. 
> Here I have modified the query and it would be extremely 
> helpful to get some help. The dataset is as follows:
> octy	dcty	dist	tradeshare	x1
> a	b	10	0.13	12.95
> a	c	15	0.13	12.95
> a	d	25	0.13	12.95
> b	a	10	0.44	13.15
> b	c	30	0.44	13.15
> b	d	25	0.44	13.15
> c	a	15	0.22	16.2
> c	b	30	0.22	16.2
> c	d	5	0.22	16.2
> d	a	25	0.21	15.35
> d	b	25	0.21	15.35
> d	c	5	0.21	15.35
> Value of x1 for octy a (=12.95) has been generated by the 
> formula:
> tradeshare(b)*dist(a,b)+tradeshare(c)*dist(a,c)+tradeshare(d)*
> dist(a,d).
> Similarly, x1 for octy b 
> (=13.15)=tradeshare(a)*dist(b,a)+tradeshare(c)*dist(b,c)+trade
> share(d)*dist(b,d), 
> and so on for octy c and d.
> I can do the above for 4 countries in Excel but with more 
> than 150 countries, it gets extremely difficult. Any 
> cooperation is highly appreciated.

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