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Re: st: svy and mlogit with Stata9.2

From   "horace Roman" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: svy and mlogit with Stata9.2
Date   Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:03:22 -0500

thank you, I'll do it

2007/2/28, Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP <[email protected]>:
Horace Roman <[email protected]> is having trouble using the -svy- prefix
in Stata 9.2:

> I have a big problem with survey commands
> I'm working on Stata9.2; I'm studying the likelihood to have an 3
> classes outcome (clPT) depending on several risk factors (momsmoke,
> momdrink, etc)
> I used the help survey where I found a list of commands used in the analysi=
> s
> however, when I try to do them (clPt is my qualitative variable) I obtain
> . svy: proportion  clPT
> (running proportion on estimation sample)
> Mata run-time error
> r(3103);
> moreover, I need to do a multinomial regression model; when I'm doing
> like it is shown in the commands list I obtain
> svy: mlogit clPT momsmoke  momdrink, rrr
> (running mlogit on estimation sample)
> Mata run-time error
> r(3103);

It appears that the ado-files and Stata executable are out of sync.

Horace needs to verify that both the ado-files and the Stata executable are
up-to-date.  He can do this by typing the following in Stata,

        . update query

and then following the 'Recommendation' at the bottom of the reported results.

Don't forget to

        . update swap

after the Stata executable is downloaded (if the executable needed to be

[email protected]
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Horace Roman

Ashley House, Condo #8G
14 Lockwood Drive
29401 Charleston,
South Carolina, USA
T�l : 1- 843-723-9630
Fax 33 - 825 175 480
Office: 1-843-792-6315

Clinique Gyn�cologique et Obst�tricale
CHU Charles Nicolle
76031 Rouen

Unit� de recherche �pid�miologique en sant� p�rinatale et en sant� des
femmes, INSERM U149,
82 Avenue Denfert-Rochereau,
75014 Paris

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