I have a big problem with survey commands
I'm working on Stata9.2; I'm studying the likelihood to have an 3
classes outcome (clPT) depending on several risk factors (momsmoke,
momdrink, etc)
I used the help survey where I found a list of commands used in the analysis
however, when I try to do them (clPt is my qualitative variable) I obtain
. svy: proportion clPT
(running proportion on estimation sample)
Mata run-time error
moreover, I need to do a multinomial regression model; when I'm doing
like it is shown in the commands list I obtain
svy: mlogit clPT momsmoke momdrink, rrr
(running mlogit on estimation sample)
Mata run-time error
however whether I writte differently it seems to work
. svymlogit clPT momsmoke momdrink, rrr
Survey multinomial logistic regression
pweight: pw Number of obs = 65367
Strata: <one> Number of strata = 1
PSU: <observations> Number of PSUs = 65367
FPC: fpc Population size = 2631930.9
F( 4, 65363) = 48.69
Prob > F = 0.0000
clPT | RRR Std. Err. t P>|t|
[95% Conf. Interval]
med preterm |
momsmoke | .7021902 .0179722 -13.81 0.000 .6678336 .7383143
momdrink | 1.17521 .1111002 1.71 0.088 .9764373 1.414446
very preterm |
momsmoke | .8528374 .0313991 -4.32 0.000 .7934632 .9166545
momdrink | .9132249 .1123855 -0.74 0.461 .7175021
(Outcome clPT==term is the comparison group)
Finite population correction (FPC) assumes simple random sampling without
replacement of PSUs within each stratum with no subsampling within PSUs.
could you help me, please?
Horace Roman
Ashley House, Condo #8G
14 Lockwood Drive
29401 Charleston,
South Carolina, USA
T�l : 1- 843-723-9630
Fax 33 - 825 175 480
Office: 1-843-792-6315
Clinique Gyn�cologique et Obst�tricale
CHU Charles Nicolle
76031 Rouen
Unit� de recherche �pid�miologique en sant� p�rinatale et en sant� des
femmes, INSERM U149,
82 Avenue Denfert-Rochereau,
75014 Paris
Hi statalist.doc
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