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st: RE: help required using the -ds- command

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: help required using the -ds- command
Date   Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:55:37 -0000

[email protected] 

Eamonn O'Brien
> I'm am trying to obtain a list of my variable names in one column ( I
> have over 100 variables).  I haven't achieved this but I have been
> experimenting with the -ds- command, specifically the options
> 'varwidth(#)' and 'skip(#)'.  Can anyone help with this?

I dom't think -ds- supports this. Its original intent was primarily
to provide a _compact_ list! You can get this directly with a loop

foreach v of var _all { 
	di "`v'"
> One small point, the help file for the -ds- option 'skip' states the
> default is skip(12) , but if I use skip(11) the following error is
> returned 'skip() should be in the range 1..10'.

This is a typo in the help. The default is -skip(2)-. 

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