My mail did indicate that I am no longer
responsible for -tabstatmat-. However,
1. Having been advised to use -ssc-, you could
look at the help to see how it works. Typing
. ssc desc tabstatmat
. ssc type tabstatmat.ado
both indicate that -tabstatmat- is designed
to work with Stata 8. Yet another way to find
out is to install it and see if it works. Any
of these ways would have forestalled a question.
2. You can update your Stata using -update-.
This again is very well documented. See the manual
or the on-line help.
[email protected]
Marcella Sapun
I am interested in using the -tabstatmat- but I use STATA 8 and it is
not part of package. Do I need to have Version 9 in order to download
this "command"?
Also, is there any updates for stata 8, not upgrading version 8, that I
can download from the stata website? How do I do it?
>>> Nick Cox <[email protected]> 2/26/2007 5:46 PM >>>
It is now back again on SSC. -ssc-
can be used to install or replace a copy.
Thus, -tabstatmat- is now declared nice and clean
until someone finds the next bug. When they do, they
should email Austin.
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