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Re: st: bysort problem
"Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: bysort problem
Mon, 26 Feb 2007 15:22:14 +0200
Jeph Herrin wrote:
I guess I meant, send a revision without the macros, along
with the output, to ensure that it is not a macro assignment
problem. But this does not do what your original code did; there
is the mysterious -var3-, and now you are replacing -var1- instead
of -var2-.
The best way to get help from this list is to provide the simplest
piece of code which produces an error/problem, along with actual
data for which the problem occurs. It is not worth anyone's time
to try guessing whether local E is really assigned to var1, or
whether you really mean -var3- is the same as _id.
Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos wrote:
All observations are as they appear. No extra decimals. Here is a
revision without touse and locals
tempvar _id
qui gen `_id'=0
local _idN=2
while `_idN'!=1 {
bysort var1 var2: replace `_id'=_n'
count if var3>1
replace var1=var1+(`_id'-1)*0.001 if `_id'>1
sum `_id', detail
local _idN=r(max)
list var1 var2 '_id'
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tempvar _id
qui gen `_id'=0
local _idN=2
while `_idN'!=1 {
bysort var1 var2: replace `_id'=_n
list var1 var2 `_id'
count if `_id'>1
replace var2=var2+(`_id'-1)*0.001 if `_id'>1
sum `_id', detail
local _idN=r(max)
list var1 var2 `_id'
. tempvar _id
. qui gen `_id'=0
. local _idN=2
. while `_idN'!=1 {
2. bysort var1 var2: replace `_id'=_n
3. list var1 var2 `_id'
4. count if `_id'>1
5. replace var2=var2+(`_id'-1)*0.001 if `_id'>1
6. sum `_id', detail
7. local _idN=r(max)
8. list var1 var2 `_id'
9. }
(7 real changes made)
| var1 var2 __000000 |
1. | .145 .014 1 |
2. | .145 .014 2 |
3. | .145 .015 1 |
4. | .167 .015 1 |
5. | 1.89 .015 1 |
6. | 1.89 .015 2 |
7. | 1.89 .016 1 |
(2 real changes made)
Percentiles Smallest
1% 1 1
5% 1 1
10% 1 1 Obs 7
25% 1 1 Sum of Wgt. 7
50% 1 Mean 1.285714
Largest Std. Dev. .48795
75% 2 1
90% 2 1 Variance .2380952
95% 2 2 Skewness .9486833
99% 2 2 Kurtosis 1.9
| var1 var2 __000000 |
1. | .145 .014 1 |
2. | .145 .015 2 |
3. | .145 .015 1 |
4. | .167 .015 1 |
5. | 1.89 .015 1 |
6. | 1.89 .016 2 |
7. | 1.89 .016 1 |
(2 real changes made)
| var1 var2 __000000 |
1. | .145 .014 1 |
2. | .145 .015 1 |
3. | .145 .015 1 |
4. | .167 .015 1 |
5. | 1.89 .015 1 |
6. | 1.89 .016 1 |
7. | 1.89 .016 1 |
(0 real changes made)
Percentiles Smallest
1% 1 1
5% 1 1
10% 1 1 Obs 7
25% 1 1 Sum of Wgt. 7
50% 1 Mean 1
Largest Std. Dev. 0
75% 1 1
90% 1 1 Variance 0
95% 1 1 Skewness .
99% 1 1 Kurtosis .
| var1 var2 __000000 |
1. | .145 .014 1 |
2. | .145 .015 1 |
3. | .145 .015 1 |
4. | .167 .015 1 |
5. | 1.89 .015 1 |
6. | 1.89 .016 1 |
7. | 1.89 .016 1 |
end of do-file
Sorry for the mistakes
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