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st: changing directory into which graphs are saved

From   "Richard Hiscock" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: changing directory into which graphs are saved
Date   Sun, 25 Feb 2007 21:52:19 +1100

I am unable to change the directory into which the graph file is saved for my project.
In the past the graphs have been saved into the working directory however they now end up in the Stata9 default directory,
I have included the code and my attempts to correct it

The working directory

use "D:\ANALYSIS_GEOFF\motility_prop.dta",clear
sort class5
gr box proportion if group ==1,over(class5) scheme(lean2) l1title(Proportion) ytitle("") title( Fig 2a Frequency distribution - DOS ) subtitle(as proportion of total number of contr

actions per subject) name(g1)
gr combine g1 g2 g3 g4 ,iscale(*.5) name(combine_2a)

Where Stata is saving it when using export

. gr export combine_2a.wmf,replace
(file C:\Program Files\Stata9\combine_2a.wmf written in Windows Metafile format)

My attempt to save it elsewhere, tried with & without quotation marks - but obviously incorrect as just graph name & nothing else

. gr save D:\ANALYSIS_GEOFF\combine_2a.wmf,replace
(file D:\ANALYSIS_GEOFF\combine_2a.wmf saved)

once again any help would be much appreciated.
Richard Hiscock

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