Austin Nichols wrote:
I believe this is an artifact of evaluating the returned local for the
-display- extended function. The following demonstrates:
forval i = 65536/65537 {
inbase 2 `i'
local which : di %020.0f r(base)
local which : subinstr local which "1" "1", all count(local n1)
di "evaluated r(base): " %020.0f `r(base)'
di "unevaluated r(base): " %020.0f r(base)
di "which: "`which'
di "n1: " `n1'
So if Nick replaces the line
local which : di %0`n'.0f `r(base)'
local which : di %0`n'.0f r(base)
in tuples.ado I think it will work for you. In the meantime, make the
change yourself and save as mytuples.ado on your system.
On 2/21/07, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm working currently in a project implementing a part of Nick Cox's
tuples program and I bumped into sth weird.
For values of local which with more than 17 digits subinstr fails to
count all occurences of number "1". Below is a small code representative
of the problem:
forval i = 65536/65537 {
inbase 2 `i'
local which : di %020.0f `r(base)'
local which : subinstr local which "1" "1", ///
all count(local n1)
di "r(base): " `r(base)'
di "which: "`which'
di "n1: " `n1'
That works just fine, however following the previous code are the lines:
local char = substr("`which'",`j',1)
qui replace _in=0 in `j' if `char'==1
and that returns erro if char=has no value, e.g.
if which = "1" than char is left blank
. local char = substr("1",2,1)
. di `char'
. local char = substr("101",2,1)
. di `char'
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