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Re: st: RE: Graph axis labelling range
Ah, very nice. Would take some work to translate the y- or x-var units
into units for the margin() option.
Scott Merryman wrote:
How about this?
twoway scatter mpg price, ylabel(minmax,nogrid ) ///
xlabel(minmax) yscale( nofextend ) xscale(nofextend) ///
plotregion(lcol(none) margin(5 2 10 2))
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
[email protected]] On Behalf Of Steichen, Thomas J.
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:51 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: RE: Graph axis labelling range
A nice cross between my proposal and Scott's is
twoway scatter mpg price, ylabel(minmax,nogrid) ///
xlabel(minmax) yscale(nofextend) xscale(nofextend) plotregion(lcol(none))
This is clean and simple but gives the default gap.
Thomas J. Steichen
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Winter
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 12:34 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: Graph axis labelling range
Yes, that gives a version of what I'm looking for. I also want to be
able to extend the range of the axis, yet also retain the ability to
have the axis line only extend over a defined range. For that, I think
I need an approach along the lines of what I was doing, as made more
elegant by Thomas Steichen.
(That is, doing something like yscale(ra(0 50)) then means that the
nofextend draws the axis from 0 to 50.)
A question for Statacorp, perhaps: is there a way to extract
programmatically the size of the default gap between the axis and the
data area, from the current scheme?
Scott Merryman wrote:
How about this:
twoway scatter mpg price, ylabel(minmax,nogrid) ///
xlabel(minmax) yscale(nofextend) xscale(nofextend)
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Winter
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 2:02 PM
To: Stata List
Subject: st: Graph axis labelling range
I am trying to create a "range-frame" around a scatterplot (see Tufte,
Visual Display of Quantitative Information, pp 130-131). The basic
is that the axis line is drawn only for the range of the data.
I've managed to create it (for the y-axis only in this example) as
. sysuse auto
. graph twoway scatter mpg price || ///
scatteri 12 -250 41 -250, c(l) msym(none) , ///
plotregion(margin(l 0 b 0)) yscale(noline) ///
ylab(12 41, nogrid) xscale(ra(-200 15000)) ///
legend(off) yscal(ra(10 45))
But this seems like a pretty ugly way to go (and requires some ad-hoc
I'd have thought that the yscale(noextend) option would get me where I
want to go, but this command:
. graph twoway scatter mpg price , yscale(noextend)
draws a y-axis that runs from about 15.5 to 26.2. Not sure why that's
Is this something someone has programmed, or on which someone has a
better approach?
Nick Winter
Nicholas Winter 434.924.6994 t
Assistant Professor 434.924.3359 f
Department of Politics [email protected] e
University of Virginia faculty.virginia.edu/nwinter w
PO Box 400787, 100 Cabell Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22904
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Nicholas Winter 434.924.6994 t
Assistant Professor 434.924.3359 f
Department of Politics [email protected] e
University of Virginia faculty.virginia.edu/nwinter w
PO Box 400787, 100 Cabell Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22904
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Nicholas Winter 434.924.6994 t
Assistant Professor 434.924.3359 f
Department of Politics [email protected] e
University of Virginia faculty.virginia.edu/nwinter w
PO Box 400787, 100 Cabell Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22904
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