Maybe a good startpoint to read and in the future implementing
variance for complex survey is:
MOONEY, C. Z.; DUVAL, R. D. Bootstrapping: a nonparametric approach
to statistical inference. Yowa: Sage Publications. 1993. 73p.
There are replication and linearization methods to estimate variance
for complex survey. You could write a do files that estimate 5 types
of variance for complex survey: (a) Replication: Jackknife, BRR and
Bootstrap; (b)Linearization: Rao e Taylor.
For replication methods there is good sugestion (reference) in:
If you finish this do file (with 5 kinds of variance) - send to me
and I will put one T-shirt: "Zurab Sajaia is god". Bootstrap for
complex survey (kind AC3) it�s not very easy. Good luck...
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