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Re: st: -foreach-

From   "Sergio Correia" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: -foreach-
Date   Thu, 15 Feb 2007 16:02:35 -0500

Maybe this helps:

Before the -svy- command, write

local indepvar = "Q11" + substr("`var'",-1,1)

and now you can use `indepvar'


On 2/15/07, Ward Vanlaar <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear all,

I have a list of variables Q10A to Q10N and wrote the following piece of
code to run a set logistic regression analyses with each of those
variables as the dependent variable:

foreach var of varlist Q10A-Q10N ///
generate `var'rec=.
replace `var'rec=0 if `var'==2
replace `var'rec=1 if `var'==1
xi i.Q6 i.Q17 i.Q18
svy: logistic `var'rec _IQ6* Q7rec Q15 Q16 _IQ17* _IQ18* Q21
drop _I*

I also have a list of variables Q11A to Q11N and somehow I want to make
my code include Q11A in -xi- and -svy:logistic- as an independent
variable of the dependent variable Q10Arec; Q11B in -xi- and
-svy:logistic- as an independent variable of the dependent variable
Q10Brec; Q11C for Q10Crec and so on.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


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