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Re: st: RE: Data management

From   "Roy,Suryadipta" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Data management
Date   Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:01:34 -0600

Dear Scott and Michael,

Thank you so much for the replies! Actually my previous question was part of a bigger question and I really need some help here. I have two datasets, the first one is a panel (unbalanced) of 150 countries between 1980-00 and looks like the following:

country year x1 x2 x3(=x1+x2)
A1 1980 2 1 3
.. .. .. ..
2000 8 5 13
A2 1980 10 5 15
.. .. .. ..
2000 18 15 33
. . . . .
. . . . .
A150 1980 3 2 5
.. .. .. ..
2000 6 4 10

I have a second dataset of say, 200 countries indicating distances between the countries and it looks like the following:

origin destination distance(kms)
A1 A2 100
A1 A3 150
. . .
A1 A200 80
A2 A1 100
A2 A3 150
. . .
A2 A200 250
. . .
. . .
A200 A1 80
A200 A2 250
. . .
. . .
A200 A199 50
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