What you want is a mapping from string to string and
as such is nothing to do with -encode-.
Let me assume your mapping is from an alphabet
"A" ... "Z" to "01" "02" "03" ... "26".
Then given variable -oldcode- and a desire for -newcode-, you
could go
clonevar newcode = oldcode
tokenize `c(ALPHA)'
qui forval i = 1/26 {
local new : di %02.0f `i'
replace newcode = substr(newcode, "``i''", "`new'", .)
The loop is over i = 1/26.
The letters "A" ... "Z" are in local macros 1/26.
An alternative to
local new : di %02.0f `i'
local new = cond(`i' < 10, "0`i'", "`i'")
[email protected]
T.J. Volant
> How can I program so that it will encode each unique
> letter into a unique number? Example:
> I got hundreds of combinations of strings like:
> Then, encode only gives me 1,2,3 in order. But I would
> like to label letter A=01, B=02, C=01 etc, and then
> have encode give me 010203, etc. How can I program
> this?
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