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st: error code r(1450)

From   "Rodrigo Martell" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: error code r(1450)
Date   Mon, 12 Feb 2007 15:42:45 +1100

I wrote a program that unzips some files (about 750,000 of them) extracts the underlying csvs, imports them into Stata, cleans them and organizes each file and then exports it to a databse.

The program had been running for a while successfully until it spat an error code r(1450) at the stage where it unzips. I'm "shelling" out to unzip using a python script I found, and it had been working flawlessly for about 100,000 files. I don't know what's going wrong since I can't find mention of the r(1450) error in Stata's help or on the list. I want to know if this is somehow caused by repeating this action lots of times, or if it's a python unzipping script problem. Does anyone know what error r(1450) belongs to?



Rodrigo Martell

Frontier Economics Pty. Ltd.
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Melbourne VIC 3000

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-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Maurizio
Sent: Sunday, 11 February 2007 6:35 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: New Stata package -spmap- available from SSC

Thanks to Kit Baum, a new Stata package called -spmap- is now available 
from the SSC Archive.
-spmap- is aimed at visualizing various kinds of spatial data, and is 
particularly suited for drawing thematic maps and displaying the results of 
spatial data analyses. For those who have Stata 9, -spmap- completely 
supersedes its predecessor -tmap-.
Among the new features of -spmap-:
1) Simple to complex maps of many kinds can be created by superimposing 
onto a base map several layers of five types of spatial objects (polygons, 
points, polylines, arrows, labels).
2) Noncontiguous area cartograms.
3) Two kinds of diagram maps.
4) Scalebar.
5) Proper management of missing data.
6) Better error trapping.
7) Improved flexibility of graph formatting.
To give a quick idea of -spmap- capabilities, the help file contains 
several examples that can be run with simple mouse clicks -- provided (a) 
all the ancillary files have been downloaded, and (b) Stata is run from the 
directory where the ancillary files are located.
The help file should contain enough detail to allow any motivated user to 
learn how to use -spmap- and to tackle the complexity of the program. 
However, I'll be glad to clarify any doubt about -spmap- that might remain 
after reading the help file -- although I must admit that I myself have 
explored only a small part of the (potential) capabilities of the program. 
As always, any bug report will be gratefully appreciated.
Many members of the Stata community have contributed -- directly or 
indirectly -- to the development of -spmap-: many thanks to all of them.

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