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st: RE: [Re: How to program a loop to calculate the value of an observation]

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE: [Re: How to program a loop to calculate the value of an observation]
Date   Tue, 06 Feb 2007 17:43:11 +0000

I was a bit dopey to multiply everything by 10000
and then average. That's in the formula, I was given,
but even so.

The program ended

		gen double `HHI' = (100 * (`A' + `B') / `Stotal')^2
		su `HHI', meanonly

	di as txt "Schmalensee AVE_HHI " as res r(sum)
	return scalar AVE_HHI = r(sum)

but would be better as

		gen double `HHI' = ((`A' + `B') / `Stotal')^2
		su `HHI', meanonly

	di as txt "Schmalensee AVE_HHI " as res 10000 * r(sum)
	return scalar AVE_HHI = 10000 * r(sum)

and even better without the factor 10000 altogether. The measure
is at root a probability, after all.

Nick Cox
[email protected]


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