I have a -btscs- program in my files from 1998.
It was written by Richard Tucker, who last I heard
was at Vanderbilt. He doesn't seem to be there any
more. More important, it really does not do what you
want here, as there is no modelling in it and it bears
no relation to -xtprobit-.
So, either you are after something different with
the same name, or somebody is confused. That's ny guess.
[email protected]
Jason Yackee
> a statistician friend of mine was describing certain
> well-known problems
> with the -xtprobit- and -xtlogit- routines when panels are long.
> Stata's -xt- manual discusses this as well, having to do with the
> quadrature method used to implement the random-effects estimator. My
> friend provided a "fix" using lowess techniques, and also mentioned a
> different user-written ad-on with the file name "btscs" that
> he said was
> difficult to find. Indeed, -findit- finds no trace. Does
> anyone have
> access to the btscs program?
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/