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Re: st: a question about -desmat-
Hello Maarten,
thank you very much for your answer.
Actual, the effect differences came from the different coding schemes.
After several tries I can now say: my experience is that the results are
being correctly reproduced by -desmat- as far as the deviation coding
and indicator coding is concerned. Concerning the backward coding for
one variable in conjunction with deviation coded variables (with the
highest category as the reference) I found a few divergences and I still
do not know, what is the reason for them (e.g. the frequency
distributions of the manually and automatically produced dummies are
identic, but the respective coefficients are not! ?).
Thank you anyway,
Maarten buis writes:
--- Joan Holand <[email protected]> wrote:
I used -desmat- as a prefix (one can use it as a command, too) and
then compared the output with the results of my manually produced
model. The both results (including the algebraic sign of some
effects) are different! The log likelihood value, the Pearson Chisq
and the AIC value is identic but the deviance and BIC is higher in
the desmat output than in the manual model.
-desmat- uses the first category in each variable as the reference,
did you do the same for your manually produced dummies? If not then
that would explain the different parameter estimates but the same log
likelihood. Are the differences in BIC and deviance large, or so
small that they could be rounding errors? Hope this helps, Maarten
----------------------------------------- Maarten L. Buis Department
of Social Research Methodology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands
visiting address: Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
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