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st: RE: problem with -tabstatmat-

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: problem with -tabstatmat-
Date   Tue, 30 Jan 2007 18:40:59 -0000

The underlying facts may not be clear from this posting. 

First, this is a user-written program on SSC. I am the author. 

Second, this was originally written as a work-around for an 
apparent limitation of -tabstat- (the official command). Data 
are not saved by -tabstat- to a single matrix. There is 
a very good reason for this: -tabstat- does not in general
emit a set of results that can be arrayed as a single matrix 
without some pain or awkwardness 
(for example, it could emit a three-dimensional array that 
is groups X variables X statistics: that could be forced into
a matrix, but you would have to make sacrifices somewhere, e.g. 
in row or column labelling). Nevertheless, there 
are evidently are users who want to put their -tabstat- 
results in a matrix for some reason or another. 

Third, this is one of my least favourite programs. I only 
ever use it when people find silly little bugs, as Zurab 
seems to have done, and I need to fix it. So, here is an offer: 
if anyone who uses it and who is also a Stata programmer 
wants to take over its maintenance, then they can have it. 

After all that: 

Zurab: Please send me directly a code example with a standard 
Stata dataset and your alternative program,
so that I can try to reproduce this problem and 
work on it. 

[email protected] 

Zurab Sajaia
> I have encountered a problem with -tabstatmat- being unable 
> to save the 
> matrix when there are many rows. The source of problem was 
> the line where 
> names of all matrices were collected in local vectors
> local vectors "`vectors' r(Stat`i') \"
> and then the output matrix is generated:
> matrix `matout' = `vectors' r(Stat`I')
> The problem is solved if we accumulate matrix directly in the loop:
> matrix `matout'=nullmat(`matout') \ r(Stat`i') . And we'll 
> need to correct 
> following few lines where the totals matrix is added.

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