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st: efficient way to generate frequency distribution using Mata

From   "Zurab Sajaia" <>
To   "statalist" <>
Subject   st: efficient way to generate frequency distribution using Mata
Date   Mon, 29 Jan 2007 13:08:05 -0500

Dear all,

At some point in my code, I need to generate aggregated frequency distribution matrix. So I have a dataset with around 4m observations and need to tabulate variable ind, which might have 10,000-100,000 distinct values (=1...100,000).

So far I do it by going through all rows like this:

for (i=1; i<=N; ++i) {
R[ind[i]] = R[ind[i]] + 1

where R is a columnvector of size 100,000 and N=4,000,000. I was wandering if there is some smart matrix operation (that I failed to find) to make this part faster? in my case speed will have higher priority then memory usage.

Thanks in advance,

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