The analogy is not as strong as you would like it to
be. -lookfor- works easily because the variable names
and variable labels are accessible to the programmer
for the dataset currently in memory, but -describe using-
does not bring those into memory. So a -lookfor using-
would seem to need a hit on -describe-; or reading in all those
datasets at least temporarily; or something else. I
suspect it could be done, but it does not sound as easy
as you hope.
[email protected]
Grealy, Patrick J
> This -lookfor- is a nice piece of work that I had no idea existed; not
> that I purport to know every other Stata command.
> My to-do list has long included a command like -lookfor- but with the
> capacity to loop through a series of datasets, either explicitly
> specified or just all the .dta files in a given folder. Does such a
> program already exist?
> It seems that if the -describe using filename- option could be adapted
> to provide -lookfor using filename- then I would merely have
> to work up
> a sort of wrapper program to accomplish my goal. Has anyone done this
> already?
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