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st: calculating cvs in linearized datasets

From   "Jesse Jahrig" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: calculating cvs in linearized datasets
Date   Fri, 26 Jan 2007 13:17:09 -0700

Hello all, 

I am a new user of Stata and I have two questions: the first is more of
a stats question (my apologies if it is too far off topic) and the
second is Stata command related.

First question: I am using a weighted dataset where the variance
estimation is linearized. Is it correct to calculate the coefficient of
variation (cv) by dividing the linearized standard error by the
estimated coefficient and then multiplying it by 100?

For example:

Command = svy, vce (linearized): proportion var1 var2
Proportion = .708
Linearized Std. Err. = .0668
Cv = .(0668/.708) x 100 = 9.4

I believe this method is used for calculating cvs from BRR weighted data
and I would like to know if it can also be used for linearized data. If
not, would anyone be able to tell me the correct method to calculate cvs
in linearized datasets, or point me to a resource?

Second question: given the above example is correct, does anyone know a
command syntax that posts the cv in the results? For the example above,
my command syntax is svy: proportion var1 var2. What would I add in
order to get the cv in the output?

Please let me know if I can clarify my questions.


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