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st: 5th German Stata Users Group Meeting - 2nd Announcement and Call for Papers

From   Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: 5th German Stata Users Group Meeting - 2nd Announcement and Call for Papers
Date   Fri, 26 Jan 2007 14:29:21 +0100

The 5th German Stata Users Group Meeting will be held on Monday, 2nd
April 2007 in Essen at the RWI (Rheinisch-Westf=E4lisches Institut f=FCr
Wirtschaftsforschung). We would like to invite everybody from everywhere
who is interested in using Stata to attend this meeting.

In the meeting various papers will be presented, but there will also be
time for discussion. Presentations will focus on three main topics:
user-written Stata programs, research and teaching experience using
Stata, and critiques of Stata facilities in specific fields.

We are very delighted to have Christopher (Kit) Baum (Boston College),
Ben Jann (ETH Zurich) and Maarten Buis (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) as
international guest speakers. All three are very well known to Stata
users for their various programs and articles in the Stata Journal and
their very active role in Statalist.

The presentations of the international speakers will be on:

-    Stata programming (Kit Baum)
-    Making regression tables simplified: esta and esto (Ben Jann)
-    Assessing the reasonableness of an imputation model (Maarten Buis)

The academic program of the meeting is being organized by Johannes
Giesecke, University of Mannheim ([email protected]), John
P. Haisken-DeNew, RWI Essen ([email protected]), and Ulrich
Kohler, WZB ([email protected]). The conference language will be English due
to the international nature of the meeting and the participation of
non-German guest speakers. Once a final program has been put together it
will be posted on the web ( and
and mailed to the Stata users. The deadline for submissions is 28th
February 2006.

The logistics of the conference are being organized by Dittrich und
Partner, distributor of Stata in several countries including Germany,
The Netherlands, Austria, and Poland (

Participants are asked to travel at their own expense. There will be a
small conference fee to cover costs for coffee, teas, and luncheons.
There will also be an optional informal meal at a restaurant in Essen on
Monday evening at additional cost.

You can enroll by contacting Anke Mrosek by email or by writing,
phoning, or faxing to

    Anke Mrosek
    Dittrich & Partner Consulting GmbH
    Kieler Str. 17
    42697 Solingen

    Tel: +49 (0) 212 260 66-24
    Fax:+49 (0) 212 260 66 -66
    [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you in Essen on April 2nd where you can help
us to make this an exciting and interesting event.

The conference venue is:

RWI Essen
Hohenzollernstr. 1-3
45128 Essen


Johannes Giesecke, John P. Haisken-DeNew, Ulrich Kohler

[email protected]

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