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Re: st: Stata Graph at 1000dpi

From   "Sebastian F. B�chte" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata Graph at 1000dpi
Date   Thu, 25 Jan 2007 22:57:25 +0100

While thinking about the whole topic again it came to my mind that it
should be possible to specifiy the "dpi" sampling value for a tif file
in advance. I think it would be nice if the -graph export- for
tif-files or any other pixel-oriented image file format would be
extended by an option for the "sampling rate" in terms of dpi. So, I
put this on my wishlist for the next Stata update or next Stata


On 1/24/07, Sebastian F. B�chte <[email protected]> wrote:

1000dpi is what I would consider "pretty dense" and most printers even
professional ones may not be capable of producing such output.
However, Stata can produce 1000dpi graphs.This is when you print a
1000px x 1000px image from your computer onto paper and the output ist
only 1 inch x 1 inch in size (assuming here that your printer is
capable of doing so) you would receive a print with 1000 dpi (to both

Since a tif-File is a pixel-oriented format, you would need to know
from the journal what the printing size is going to be in order you
can choose the image dimensions accordingly and correctly.

Let's say the output size of the graph in the journal will be 4 inchs
wide and 3 inchs high and you would need 1000 px/inch, you would have
to specify the following with the -graph export- command:

//some graph with the overall aspectratio of 3/4
twoway function y=normalden(x), range(-10 10) ysize(3) xsize(4)

//exporting it and making sure it has a width of 4000px
graph export mygraph.tif, width(4000)

This would give you the desired image size when printing it to an area
of the above mentioned specifications. In order for computer programs
to detect that you need to resample the resolution from 72dpi to
1000dpi using an image manipulation program of your choice, e.g., "the
gimp 2.0" or "Irfanview" which is more of an image viewer with some
capabilites to manipulate it (to be found here:

But, there is possibly some easier way to go. Instead of sending out
an pixel-oriented format file you you could use a vector-oriented
format, like eps or ps. These formats have the advantage - at least in
this case - that you can rescale the imagewith out having to fear that
you image becomes "pixelous".

graph export mygraph.eps, preview(on)


On 1/24/07, Max Bulsara <[email protected]> wrote:
> Does anyone know if stata V9 can produce graphs at 1000dpi?. I have been
> told that my graphs saved as *.tif are only 70dpi  and the journal wants
> it to 1000dpi. Would appreciate any help.
> Thanks
> Max
> Max Bulsara,
> Research Fellow
> School of Population Health (M435)
> University of Western Australia
> Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
> 35 Stirling Highway, CRAWLEY
> Western Australia, WA6009
> Tel: 6488 1267
> Fax: 6488 8145
> email: [email protected]
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