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st: Suggestion regarding lookfor

From   "Sergio Correia" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Suggestion regarding lookfor
Date   Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:55:32 -0500

Since I learned about -lookfor- a short time ago, I've found it
incredibly useful specially for searching inside variable
descriptions. However, when trying to match a string with more than
one word, -lookfor- does something slightly undesirable.

When I enter -lookfor gdp inflation-, I expect -lookfor- to find
matches containing gdp or inflation. That, the command does fine.

However, if i write
lookfor "Gross Domestic Product"
I expect the program to match exactly that phrase (either in lowercase
or uppercase). Instead, I get all variables containing gross, domestic
or product.

Looking at the code, just changing one line could "fix" this:

Change line 12 from
		local looklist `"`looklist' `w'"'
		local looklist `"`looklist' "`w'""'
That is, just add two quotes.

Obviously this doesn't deserve a new command, but is it worthy to
request StataCorp to change this? Or is there something I overlooked?

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