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Re: RE: st: importing "irregular" columns with embedded blanks

Subject   Re: RE: st: importing "irregular" columns with embedded blanks
Date   Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:15:48 -0600

It is not clear to me what the final data set should look like, but 
perhaps this can help:

input str68 v1
 "ANY 1206 Bunk1 Corn Silage      $0.00     97    FarmGrown Forag   lb"
 "    1234 Shed1 Grass Hay        $0.00    146    Purchased Forag   lb"
 "    1582 Purch1 Straw           $0.00    164    Purchased Forag   lb"
 "    1237 Shor1 Haylage 1st cut  $0.00    149    FarmGrown Forag   lb"
 "    1238 Bunk4 Haylage 2nd cut  $0.00    150    FarmGrown Forag   lb"
 "    1070 CornGrainGrndFine    $135.00    205    Purchased Energ   lb"
 "     039 BakeryByProdBread    $130.00    308    Purchased Energ   lb"
 "    1052 BeetPulpPlCp         $140.00    313    Purchased Energ   lb"
 "    1022 EnergyBooster        $1,200.    521    Purchased Energ   lb"
 "                                                                  00"
qui {
gen var1 = substr(v1,1,3)
replace v1 = substr(v1,4,.)
split v1, limit(1) gen(foo)
gen v2 = reverse(v1)
split v2, gen(R)

foreach var of varlist R* {
	replace `var' = reverse(`var')
drop v2 R6-R10
rename foo R6

forv j = 1/6 {
	forv i = 1/10 {
		local a = v1[`i']
		local r`j' = R`j'[`i']
		local b : list a - r`j'
		replace v1 = "`b'" in `i'


replace R5 = subinstr(R5,"$","",.)
replace R5 = subinstr(R5,",","",.)
gen price = real(R5)
format price %8.2f
drop R5
order var1 R6 v1 price R4 R3 R2 R1
l, clean noobs

Which produces:

var1     R6                      v1     price    R4          R3      
R2   R1  
 ANY   1206       Bunk1 Corn Silage      0.00    97   FarmGrown   
Forag   lb  
       1234         Shed1 Grass Hay      0.00   146   Purchased   
Forag   lb  
       1582            Purch1 Straw      0.00   164   Purchased   
Forag   lb  
       1237   Shor1 Haylage 1st cut      0.00   149   FarmGrown   
Forag   lb  
       1238   Bunk4 Haylage 2nd cut      0.00   150   FarmGrown   
Forag   lb  
       1070       CornGrainGrndFine    135.00   205   Purchased   
Energ   lb  
        039       BakeryByProdBread    130.00   308   Purchased   
Energ   lb  
       1052            BeetPulpPlCp    140.00   313   Purchased   
Energ   lb  
       1022           EnergyBooster   1200.00   521   Purchased   
Energ   lb  
00                                 .                             00  


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Buzz Burhans" <>
Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:08 am
Subject: RE: st: importing "irregular" columns with embedded blanks

> Dear Svend,
> Thanks very much for the help.  
> The problem is that while the file "looks" like a fixed format 
> file, it is
> not fixed format...what look like demarked columns (by tabs or 
> whatever) are
> actually empty blanks.  Thus, running infix results in imported 
> variablesthat are as below. 

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