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(1) Using w1pydu1 as a reference group: 

. reg w1fer w1awer w1unemrt w1trearn w1pydu2-w1pydu6

 Source SS       df       MS              Number of obs =  165954
  F(  8,165945) = 1199.92
 Model 1669.98824     8   208.74853           Prob > F =  0.0000
 Residual 28869.298165945  .173969074           R-squared =  0.0547
  Adj R-squared =  0.0546
 Total 30539.2863165953  .184023707           Root MSE =   .4171
 w1fer Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf. Interval]
 w1awer .3096481   .0085472    36.23   0.000     .2928958 .3264003
 w1unemrt .0085848   .0003676    23.35   0.000     .0078642 .0093053
 w1trearn .0106015   .0002244    47.24   0.000     .0101616 .0110414
 w1pydu2 .1396929   .0035987    38.82   0.000     .1326395 .1467462
 w1pydu3 .1421252    .003679    38.63   0.000     .1349143 .149336
 w1pydu4 .1311907   .0037898    34.62   0.000     .1237628 .1386186
 w1pydu5 .1598278   .0039954    40.00   0.000      .151997 .1676587
 w1pydu6 .1868937   .0044579    41.92   0.000     .1781563 .1956311
 _cons .3441855   .0039465    87.21   0.000     .3364505 .3519205
(2) Using w1pydu6 as a reference group:

. reg w1fer w1awer w1unemrt w1trearn w1pydu1-w1pydu5

 Source SS       df       MS              Number of obs =  165954
  F(  8,165945) = 1005.12
 Model 1411.40693     8  176.425866           Prob > F =  0.0000
 Residual 29127.8793165945  .175527309           R-squared =  0.0462
  Adj R-squared =  0.0462
 Total 30539.2863165953  .184023707           Root MSE =  .41896
 w1fer Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf. Interval]
 w1awer .4148088   .0088145    47.06   0.000     .3975326 .432085
 w1unemrt .0055719   .0003837    14.52   0.000     .0048199 .0063239
 w1trearn .0136808   .0002119    64.56   0.000     .0132654 .0140961
 w1pydu1 .0718526   .0043821    16.40   0.000     .0632639 .0804414
 w1pydu2 .1209076   .0042133    28.70   0.000     .1126496 .1291655
 w1pydu3 .1218828   .0042776    28.49   0.000     .1134987 .1302668
 w1pydu4 .0956922   .0040945    23.37   0.000     .0876671 .1037172
 w1pydu5 .1207567   .0042355    28.51   0.000     .1124552 .1290582
 _cons .3568597    .004034    88.46   0.000     .3489532 .3647662
Thanks in advance.

Do Han Kim 
PhD Program, Department of Public Administration and Policy 
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
SUNY at Albany
[email protected]

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