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st: FW: Using wild card syntax for variable lists as a program argument

From   "Dupont, William" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <'[email protected]'>
Subject   st: FW: Using wild card syntax for variable lists as a program argument
Date   Fri, 19 Jan 2007 11:43:15 -0600

intended.  Hopefully the following is more intelligible.

William D. Dupont 
Phone: 615-322-2001               Fax: 615-343-4924

-----Original Message-----
From: Dupont, William 
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 11:38 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: Using wild card syntax for variable lists as a program argument


I need to write a program that does the same manipulation on a large
number of variables.  I have written a program that does what I want
that works as follows

   program recodevariables
   ...manipulate each variable in the argument list  
   use data.dta 
   recodevariables tcat tdog tcow 

The preceding program manipulates the variables tcat, tdog and tcow in
the way I want.

Is it possible to rewrite the program so that I can execute it as

recodevariables t*

?  Inside recodevariables, Stata interprets t* as a single argument.  Is
there a way that I can expand this argument so that argument `1' is tcat
        argument `2' is tdog and
        argument `3' is tcow?

If so, I know how to write the rest of the program.  If not, is there
some other way of writing this program using the wildcard variable
naming convention that I should know about?

With thanks for any advice that you can give me.


William D. Dupont 
Phone: 615-322-2001               Fax: 615-343-4924

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