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Re: st: Display of -nlcom- output

From   [email protected] (Roberto G. Gutierrez, StataCorp)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Display of -nlcom- output
Date   Fri, 19 Jan 2007 11:09:22 -0600

Kelvin Foo <[email protected]> writes:

> I am using -nlcom- to compute the interaction effect after a nonlinear
> regression. The expression is rather long, and the result is as follows:

> . nlcom <long expression here>


> As I am planning to write a program to save hundreds of such results in a
> log file, I think it would be neater if I could keep only the tabled output
> (coef, std.err., z values, etc) and suppress the first part (_nl_1:
> (exp(_b[d2att]+_b[dinc]+_b[dINCd2ATT]+_b[_cons]+_b[age_head]*40.8...

> How can this be achieved?

At the bottom of this reply, I attach -nlcom2.ado-, which is a version of 
-nlcom- that respects a -noheader- option.  As you can probably guess, 
-noheader- supresses the output header.

We'll probably make this change official at some point.

[email protected]

--------------------------------------begin nlcom2.ado-----------------------
*! version 1.0.0  19jan2007
program nlcom2, rclass
	version 8

	if replay() {
		if "`e(cmd)'" != "nlcom2" {
			error 301
		Display `0'

	if "`e(cmd)'" == "" {
		error 301

	if (!has_eprop(b) | !has_eprop(V)) {
		error 321

	local is_svy `r(is_svy)'
	if "`is_svy'" == "1" {
		if "`e(complete)'" == "available" {
			di as err /*
*/ `"must run svy command with "complete" option before using this command"'
			exit 301
		// check should be redundant
		if "`e(N_psu)'" ~= "" & "`e(N_strata)'" ~= "" {
			local psuopt psu(`e(N_psu)')
			local strataopt strata(`e(N_strata)')
			local svy svy

	local nc 0
	gettoken tok : 0, parse(" (,")
	local single single
	local zero `"`0'"'
	if `"`tok'"' == "(" {  /* eqns within parens */
		local single 
		while `"`tok'"' == "(" {
			local ++nc
			gettoken tok 0 : 0, parse(" (,") match(paren)
			local tokens `"`tokens' `"`tok'"'"'
			gettoken tok : 0, parse(" (,")
		if `"`tok'"' != "," & `"`tok'"' != "" {
			local tokens
			local single single

	if "`single'"=="single" {	/* eqn without parens */
		local 0 `"`zero'"'
		while `"`tok'"' != "" & `"`tok'"' != "," {
			gettoken tok 0 : 0, parse(" ,")
			local eq `"`eq' `tok'"'
			gettoken tok : 0, parse(" ,")
		if `"`eq'"' == "" {
			error 198
		local nc 1
		local tokens `"`"`eq'"'"'
		local eq

	syntax [, noHEADer Level(cilevel) post ITERate(integer 100)]
	ParsePrint `"`header'"' `tokens'
	local eqnames `s(eqnames)'
	local eqns `s(eqns)'

	tempname G R VCE b V

	capture noi qui testnl `eqns', g(`G') r(`R') /*    prints errors
		*/ iterate(`iterate')
	if _rc { 
		exit _rc

	tempvar isamp 
	if "`e(N)'" != "" {
		local N = e(N)
		return scalar N = e(N)
	else {
		local N = .
	qui gen byte `isamp' = e(sample)

	if "`e(df_r)'"!="" {
		local dof = e(df_r)
		return scalar df_r = e(df_r)
	else {
		local dof = .
	if !missing(`dof') {
		local dofopt "dof(`dof')" 
	if !missing(`N') {
		local Nopt "obs(`N')"
	local esopt "esample(`isamp')"

	if "`e(depvar)'" != "" {
		local ndepv : word count `e(depvar)'
		if `ndepv' == 1 {
			local depn "depn(`e(depvar)')"

	mat `VCE' = `G'*e(V)*`G''
	mat colnames `VCE' = `eqnames'
	mat rownames `VCE' = `eqnames'
	mat rownames `R' = `eqnames'
	mat `R' = `R''

	if "`is_svy'" == "1" {
		tempname VSRS
		mat `VSRS' = `G'*e(V_srs)*`G''
		mat colnames `VSRS' = `eqnames'
		mat rownames `VSRS' = `eqnames'
		local vsrsopt vsrs(`VSRS')
		if "`e(V_srswr)'" == "matrix" {
			tempname VSRSWR
			mat `VSRSWR' = `G'*e(V_srswr)*`G''
			mat colnames `VSRSWR' = `eqnames'
			mat rownames `VSRSWR' = `eqnames'
			local vsrswropt vsrswr(`VSRSWR')
		if "`e(V_msp)'" == "matrix" {
			tempname VMSP
			mat `VMSP' = `G'*e(V_msp)*`G''
			mat colnames `VMSP' = `eqnames'
			mat rownames `VMSP' = `eqnames'
			local vmspopt vmsp(`VMSP')

	mat `b' = `R'
	mat `V' = `VCE'

	if "`post'" != "" {
		Post, r(`R') vce(`VCE') `dofopt' `depn' `Nopt' /*
			*/ `esopt' `svy' `strataopt' `psuopt' /*
			*/ `vsrsopt' `vsrswropt' `vmspopt'
		Display, level(`level')
	else {
		tempname estname
		nobreak {
			_estimates hold `estname'
			capture noisily break {
				Post, r(`R') vce(`VCE') `dofopt' `depn' /*
					*/ `Nopt' `esopt' `svy' /*
					*/ `strataopt' `psuopt' /*
					*/ `vsrsopt' `vsrswropt' `vmspopt'
				Display, level(`level')
			local rc = _rc
			_estimates unhold `estname'
			if `rc' {
				exit `rc'

	return matrix V `V'
	return matrix b `b'

program Post, eclass
	syntax, r(string) vce(string) [dof(passthru) obs(passthru) /*
		*/ esample(passthru) depn(passthru) /*
		*/ SVY strata(real 1.0) psu(real 1.0) /*
		*/ vsrs(string) vsrswr(string) vmsp(string) /*
		*/ ]

	eret post `r' `vce', `dof' `obs' `esample' `depn'
	if "`svy'" != "" {
		eret scalar N_strata = `strata'
		eret scalar N_psu = `psu'
		eret matrix V_srs `vsrs'
		if `"`vsrswr'"' != "" {
			eret matrix V_srswr `vsrswr'
		if `"`vmsp'"' != "" {
			eret matrix V_msp `vmsp'
	eret local cmd "nlcom2"
	eret local predict "nlcom_p"

program Display
	syntax [, Level(cilevel)]

	eret di, level(`level')

program ParsePrint, sclass
	if `"`1'"' == "noheader" {
		local dont *
	mac shift
	local i 1
	`dont' di
	while `"``i''"' ~= "" {
		ParseExp `"``i''"' `i'
		local exp `s(exp)'
		local name `s(name)'
		local eqnames `eqnames' `name'
		CheckValue `exp'
		`dont'di as txt %12s abbrev(`"`name'"',12) ":  " /*
			*/ as res `"`exp'"'
		local eqns `"`eqns' (`exp'=0)"'
		local ++i
	sreturn local eqnames `eqnames'
	sreturn local eqns `eqns'

program ParseExp, sclass
	args exp n
	local myexp `"`exp'"'
	gettoken name myexp : myexp, parse(":")
	if `"`name'"'==":" {
		di as error `"invalid name"'
		exit 198
	gettoken equals myexp : myexp, parse(":")
	if `"`equals'"' == ":" {          /* using name */
		local wc: word count `name'
		if `wc'>1 {
			di as err `"invalid name: `name'"'
			exit 198
		capture confirm name `name'
		if _rc {
			di as err `"invalid name: `name'"'
			exit 198
		CheckEquals `myexp'
		sreturn local exp `"`myexp'"'	
		sreturn local name `"`name'"'
	CheckEquals `exp'
	sreturn local exp `"`exp'"'
	sreturn local name "_nl_`n'"

program CheckEquals
	local token token
	while `"`token'"'!="" {
		gettoken token 0 : 0, parse(" =")
		if `"`token'"'=="=" | `"`token'"'=="==" {
			di as err _quote "=" _quote /*
			*/ " not allowed in expression"
			exit 198

program CheckValue
	tempname w1 w2
	scalar `w1' = `0'
	if missing(`w1') {
		di as err "expression " as inp `"(`0')"' /*
			*/ as err " evaluates to missing"
		exit 498
	if _N > 1 {
		scalar `w2' = `0' in l
		if `w1' != `w2' {
			di as err "expression " as inp /*
				*/`"(`0')"' as err  /*
				*/ " contains reference to X rather than _b[X]"
			exit 198

----------------------------------------end nlcom2.ado-----------------------
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