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st: RE: pooled ols interpretation, thanks
The reason for the dropped coefficient is probably b/c you included all
three of the dummy variables for year (d91, d92, d93). If you were to
sum these three variables, you would get a column of 1's (which is
equivalent to a constant). Try running it like this:
reg logfamincome educ d92 d93
The estimated constant in this case would represent d91.
In regards to the coefficient estimate for education, it has nothing to
do with your annual dummy variables. It is simply the effects of
education on the growth in family income (I am assuming logfamincome is
the Ln(famincome)).
Plus, why include dummies for the year? Are you trying to capture a
trend? If so, then use a time trend variable. For instance, let's say
your data is set up like this:
Family_income education year
You could sort year in ascending order and then:
gen time = _n
Then you can run the following regression:
reg logfamincome educ time
The estimated coefficient for time would by your time trend.
Just food for thought.
Justin White
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Joanne
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 10:20 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: pooled ols interpretation, thanks
dear fellow
if i was runinng a pooled ols regression and when i get the new
one is named as dropped, can someone please interpret?
also say if i am running family income (dependent variable) against
educaction, fam income should increase with more year of education
(therefore i am expecting a positive sign for education).
if I was to regress: (d91 as the year, and i have 3 years of data here)
reg logfamincome educ d91 d92 d93
how can i interpret the educ? if the coefficient of educ is 0.05, which
what does that have to do with the years 91 92 93?
or it is just another year of education will result with an increase of
family income for 5%
i am abit confused with the years, if it is 5%, is it over the 3 years?
and also what does d91 d92 coefficient tell us?
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