Despite explicit advice in the FAQ, you don't show
us exactly what you typed. However, -intreg- takes
the first two variables you specify as dependent
variables. Evidently,
y1 x1
are the variables you named first and -intreg- thinks
that -x1- is one of your dependent variables, whereas
to you it is not. So the thing to fix is what you type.
[email protected]
[email protected]
> I'm attempting to run a Tobit regression with robust
> standard errors. Using former posts from Statlist, I've
> found I need to use the command intreg because a Tobit will
> not produce robust st. errors. However, when I use intreg, I
> get the following message:
> observations with y1 > x1 not allowed
> First, why would it matter that values of my independent
> variable are larger than my dependent variable?
> Second, how do fix this problem? Or is intreg the wrong
> command to use?
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