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st: Sums and means within a table

From   "Todd Swarthout" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Sums and means within a table
Date   Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:44:22 +0100

Hello. I have the following table:

tab Q1_1r�parti
Q1_1r�parti |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 |        133       44.63       44.63
          1 |         85       28.52       73.15
          2 |         58       19.46       92.62
          3 |         17        5.70       98.32
          4 |          3        1.01       99.33
          5 |          2        0.67      100.00
      Total |        298      100.00

This is the number of children in a household under 5 yrs of age. For example, there are 133 households with 0 chilfren <5 yrs. Im looking for a command that will allow me to sum the total number of children in all 298 households and then to find the average number per household. 

A rather simple command I suspect


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