I'm tackling a probable error issue which I have partially solved.
Issue is that Stata views certain variables as identical over the same
patient, with multiple events recorded. Anybody knows of a command to "turn
off" the detection of such events?
I attach here one of the -stset- output.
stset dim, id(id) failure(censor) exit(time .)
id: id
failure event: censor != 0 & censor < .
obs. time interval: (dim[_n-1], dim]
exit on or before: time .
7033 total obs.
26 multiple records at same instant PROBABLE ERROR
7007 obs. remaining, representing
4226 subjects
1982 failures in multiple failure-per-subject data
1222502 total analysis time at risk, at risk from t = 0
earliest observed entry t = 0
last observed exit t = 785
Lucy Shum
Lucy Shum
Bovine Resident
University of Sydney
University Veterinary Centre Camden
Tel: +61-2-46550777
Fax: +61-2-46551212
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